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Call Now+65 6100-9235

Our Location 583 Orchard Road, #13-03 Forum The Shopping Mall

About Our Founder

Yael Sasson's inspiring journey in Singapore began in 2002 after completing her degrees in Psychology and Occupational Therapy at Tel Aviv University in Israel. She started her professional career at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) in the Child Guidance Clinic (CGC), where she worked in the Children's outpatient unit. After three years, driven by her passion to help as many individuals as possible, Yael made the decision to open a private practice to serve children and families in need of services.

Recognizing the increasing demand for comprehensive support, Yael expanded her practice by assembling a team of dedicated professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Psychologists, Counsellors, Educational Therapists, Physiotherapists and practitioners of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. Together, they formed the most comprehensive Multi-Disciplinary team in Singapore, committed to providing holistic care and interventions. Yael's personal journey took a significant turn when her second child, Benjamin, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of two. Determined to create a nurturing and educational space that would enhance Benjamin's potential, Yael established the Dynamics Early Intervention Program (EIP). Benjamin's success in the program led him to transition to a mainstream school.

As Benjamin entered fourth grade, it became evident that the mainstream school setting was no longer suitable for his unique needs. Driven by her unwavering dedication as a parent and professional, Yael took the initiative to create a safe, nurturing, and academically focused environment. This led to the establishment of Dynamics International School (DIS), a registered school in Singapore. Now, as Benjamin prepares to turn 13 and embark on seventh grade, DIS has obtained permission to operate secondary school grades. The school is committed to growing with its students, providing an academic and therapeutic pathway that maximizes their abilities and helps them overcome challenges.

Yael Sasson's personal experiences as a dedicated therapist and a loving mother have played a pivotal role in shaping the vision and mission of Dynamics International School. With a heartfelt commitment to touching as many lives as possible and providing the best possible education and support, DIS continues to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families in Singapore.

Yael Loupo Sasson

Yael Sasson
