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Dynamics International School: The Premier Inclusive Education Provider in Singapore

Premiere Inclusive Education Provider

In the competitive landscape of special needs education in Singapore, Dynamics International School (DIS) emerges as a leader, providing a uniquely inclusive and supportive learning environment. Our commitment to personalized education and comprehensive support services sets us apart, ensuring that every child thrives and reaches their full potential.

The Vision Behind DIS

Dynamics International School was founded by Yael Sasson, a dedicated occupational therapist with a passion for helping children and families. Yael's journey took a personal turn when her son, Benjamin, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of two. This experience drove her to create a holistic educational environment where children with diverse needs could receive the support they deserve.

Yael established Dynamics Early Intervention Program (EIP) as a nurturing space where each child receives individualized attention and care. The success of this program led to the birth of Dynamics International School, a place where inclusivity and personalized education are at the forefront. "I believed that if I, as a mother, was struggling to find the right educational setting for Benjamin, surely there must be other parents who are facing similar dilemmas," Yael said. Her personal and professional journey has significantly influenced the development and ethos of DIS, ensuring that every child's potential is unlocked.

What Sets DIS Apart?
  1. More Therapy Hours: At DIS, we understand that consistent therapeutic support is crucial for the development of children with special needs. We offer more hours of therapy than our competitors, ensuring that students receive the intensive, hands-on support they need to succeed.
  2. Individualized Support: Our approach to education is deeply personalized. Each student at DIS benefits from an individualized learning plan tailored to their unique strengths and challenges. This personalized attention helps students achieve their academic goals and develop essential life skills.
  3. High Teacher-to-Student Ratio: Our commitment to small class sizes allows for a higher ratio of teachers to students, providing more personalized attention and support. In our special support classes, the ratio is 1:4, and in mainstream classes, it is 1:8. This ensures that every student receives the guidance and assistance they need to excel.
  4. Affordable Fees: Despite offering more therapy hours and personalized support, our fees are significantly lower than those of our competitors. At $38,800 for special education support, DIS is more affordable compared to the average $55,000 charged by other special needs schools in Singapore. This affordability makes high-quality, inclusive education accessible to more families.
Comprehensive Support Services

At DIS, we integrate a range of specialized support services into our curriculum, providing a holistic approach to education. Our multidisciplinary team includes:

  1. Speech Therapists
  2. Occupational Therapists
  3. Behavioral Therapists
  4. Educational Therapists

This comprehensive support ensures that students receive individualized care in all areas of development. The seamless integration of these therapy services within the school environment is a distinctive advantage of being part of the larger Dynamics Therapy Group.

Inclusive Curriculum and Experiential Learning

DIS follows the Cambridge curriculum and the International Primary Curriculum, which emphasize inquiry-based learning. Our curriculum is adaptable, allowing us to tailor educational content to suit students with special needs. This ensures that all students receive a high-quality education that is both inclusive and engaging.

Experiential learning is a cornerstone of our approach. We incorporate outdoor learning trips and hands-on projects into our curriculum, making education an exciting and enjoyable experience. These activities help students apply their learning in real-world contexts, fostering a deeper understanding and love for learning.

EduTrust Certification and International Student Acceptance

Dynamics International School is proud to have earned EduTrust certification, which recognizes our commitment to providing high-quality education. This certification allows us to accept foreign students who require a student pass. We welcome international students to join our inclusive learning community and benefit from our exceptional educational and therapeutic support.

Preparing for a Bright Future

Dynamics International School is dedicated to preparing students for long-term success. Our upcoming expansion into secondary education is a testament to this commitment. The new secondary school grades will offer:

  • Continued Personalized Attention: We will maintain our small class sizes and individualized learning plans, ensuring each student continues to receive the support they need.
  • Leadership Development: Students will engage in leadership development programs and internal internships within the Dynamics Therapy Group, preparing them for future success.
  • Holistic Education: Our curriculum will include more experiential learning opportunities, mentorship, and guidance to help students transition smoothly into young adulthood.
The Story of Yael and Benjamin

Yael Sasson's dedication to special needs education is deeply personal. Her son, Benjamin, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at a young age. As a mother and an occupational therapist, Yael faced the challenge of finding the right educational setting for Benjamin. This personal experience inspired her to create Dynamics Early Intervention Program (EIP) and subsequently Dynamics International School.

Benjamin socializing

“Benjamin has so many fond memories from his time at Dynamics EIP. Most significantly, it’s the memories of the incredible team who collaborated with him. He’s still eagerly reconnecting with them to this day,” Yael shared. Thanks to the program’s effectiveness, Benjamin eventually 'graduated' from Dynamics EIP and successfully transitioned into a mainstream school.

However, after spending a few years in a mainstream primary school, Yael realized that the educational setting might not cater to Benjamin’s unique needs. This realization led her to establish an international school with a mission to help every child flourish, no matter their abilities. "It was Benjamin’s unique challenges and our pursuit for the ideal learning environment that truly propelled us into establishing a school and creating programs to suit every child’s needs," Yael said.

The DIS Commitment to Inclusivity

Our school’s mission is to ensure that no child is turned away. We are dedicated to creating pathways to success for every student, regardless of their abilities or challenges. This commitment to inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do.

DIS is a Cambridge school that also follows the International Primary Curriculum for inquiry-based learning. Classes are intentionally kept small to allow for specialized attention and time for students to learn at their own pace. The curriculum can also be adapted to suit students with special needs. "Our commitment lies in inclusivity, ensuring that no child is turned away. We are here to craft a pathway to success for every child," Yael explained.

Student Success Stories
ben writing

Benjamin, now in Grade 6 at DIS, continues to thrive in an environment that understands and nurtures his unique abilities. "There’s so much to love at DIS!" he exclaimed. His favorite subjects are Geography and Math, where he demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of countries, capitals, and flag designs. He also enjoys the inquiry-based learning approach in school. “Inquiry sessions make me feel like a detective. I enjoy uncovering answers and I learn so much in the process,” he said.

Outdoor learning is another beloved feature at DIS. Benjamin shared, “The best thing about my week is definitely our Friday outdoor learning trips! We go on a bus and head off to gardens, playgrounds, and all sorts of cool places. It’s the perfect mix of fun and learning.”

Expanding into Secondary Education

Yael is excited to share that DIS will be expanding to offer secondary school grades as it continues to nurture children. “The expansion into secondary school grades is not just about growth, but our commitment to holistic, continued learning. In essence, it’s a promise: our promise to walk alongside our students as they transition into young adults. DIS is there to ensure their learning journey continues to be enriching, fulfilling, and empowering,” she said.

The essentials remain: DIS will still be an inclusive Cambridge school that offers students personalized attention as well as access to specialized programs and therapies. Families can expect more experiential learning opportunities, which has brought so much joy to Benjamin and his classmates. More importantly, students can look forward to mentorship and guidance from the DIS team as they approach adolescence. Secondary school students will also go through leadership development and internal internships within the Dynamics Therapy Group, all of which prepare them for success in life beyond school.

“While there are numerous early intervention programs in Singapore, the number dwindles significantly when a child reaches primary school years, more so for secondary school. Our expansion into secondary grades is a conscious effort to bridge this gap. We believe in providing a seamless transition from early intervention, to primary, and now secondary education. This uninterrupted learning trajectory ensures children are academically prepared and equipped with life skills, confidence, and resilience to face the world beyond school,” Yael said.

Why Choose DIS?
Learning with cubes

Choosing Dynamics International School means choosing an inclusive, supportive, and enriching educational environment. Our unique blend of personalized learning, specialized support services, and commitment to inclusivity makes us the ideal choice for families seeking the best education for their children.

Parents can trust that at DIS, their children will not only receive a top-tier education but will also be nurtured and supported in every aspect of their development. Our goal is to empower each student to achieve their full potential and to prepare them for a successful future.

Experience the difference at Dynamics International School – where every child is valued, supported, and given the tools to succeed. Book a tour today and see firsthand how DIS can make a difference in your child’s educational journey.